Maciej Zakrzewski

Photographer, actor, musician, teacher

He was a PhD student in theatre at AMU in Poznań and teaches in the Poznań Academy of Performing Arts (PAPA). He graduated from ethnology and cultural anthropology at AMU. Focus on theatre and dance photography as well working for festivals and individual photo sessions.

Lives in Poznań, working everywhere. Among others coperates with Malta Festival, Scena Robocza, Children Art Centre in Poznań, Estrada Poznańska, Powszechny Theatre in Łódź, Concordia Design, Poznan Grand Theatre,The Grotowski Institute in Wrocław, Kalejdoskop Dance Festival, Polish Theatre in Poznań. For many years collaborated with Theatre of the Eighth Day, Regula contra Regulam Teatro from Milan, Polish Dance Theatre.

Received a Medal of Young Art In 2018 ( Medal Młodej Sztuki Głosu Wielkopolskiego 2018 )

A fivefold finalist (2015-2019 ) and a laureat (2019) in competitions for the best theatre photographs organized by the Zbigniew Raszewski Theatre Institute in Warsaw.

A member of international jury in competition for the best theatre photography in Iran ((Fadjr Interantional Theatre Festival 2018).

More about work and interviews:


„Jestem tylko rzemieślnikiem służącym sztuce”